
Blog/June 2013/Jun 21st

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Jun 21st (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Continuing last week's "main story", I did get paid (though not as much as I was expecting). The CEO's prevarication continues with ever less likely stories, and I have given my modified ultimatum: I'm willing to continue on as a part-time employee only on condition that I am paid on time. That's not really such a radical ultimatum, but I don't think the CEO will approve it. In any case, I'm not optimistic about the survival chances of a company which feels the need to reduce my pay (legally, it turns out) for sick-time when it has never done so in the past. I've been in this field almost thirty years, and until this week had never had "sick-time" withheld from my paycheck. Live and learn!

When I gave my manager my ultimatum to pass on up the chain of command, he took me aside for a long chat. During it, he extolled my praises (he laid it on a bit thick, I think) saying how in his years in the field he'd not encountered many people with my abilities and professionalism. He said our team was the best, in large part, because of my efforts. He told me he would do his utmost to convince the CEO to make special arrangements for me, if there was anything that could be done to make me happy. Ultimately, however, the main problem for me is the lack of honesty at the top level of the company. I can't abide it any longer, and I told him that.

Never one to let moss grow under me, in the meantime I am putting together my new company's web-site -- to be revealed next week B"H. This coming week, I have a meeting with MATI, which assists new business owners in Israel. I hope to find out more about the legal requirements and financial arrangements needed for running a business here. While I ran my own business in the States, the laws and business climate are different in Israel. In addition, I'm formulating a business plan for my own purposes, which I'll be able to expand should I ever desire to take on "angel" investors. The latest frustrations with my employer have finally propelled me to become very serious about "that independence thing".

In other news: Sarah finished her first year at the Maʼaleh film school! She still has a lot of work to do during the "summer break". Daniela and Jeremy are spending shabbat in Baltimore. And we're going to have a mostly quiet shabbat.

Esther's (secular) birthday was yesterday, so Sarah and I made her a very festive steak-and-oven-fries dinner, with wine and flowers and lots of love. She deserves the very best, but nebach, she has us instead! So she has to make do. Don't feel too sorry for her, she's got it pretty good...

Other stuff:

This week, Jeremy's sister will be joining us for probably the last time before she returns to the States. Among other things, we'll feed her:
chicken and red rice, homemade ḥallah, bamia, eggplant, bean salad, beet salad, potato kugel, traditional cholent, and birthday-cake.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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