
Blog/June 2013/Jun 28th

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Jun 28th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Lots of interesting work this week. The weather was normal summer weather -- hot and clear during the day, cool in the evenings. It's supposed to cool off a tiny bit more over the next few days, which is something we can all live with.

Sarah was busy all week with editing and presenting her work for end of school evaluations, as well as preparing other assignments for the summer "break". She's got a shabbat with her classmates this week, we hope she enjoys it (oh, never mind)! Daniela's enjoying her first week of vacation, and is exploring new culinary experiments. Jeremy approves.

Esther and I went to a meeting with a counselor from MATI. Since Esther is still considered to be a "new immigrant", she is eligible for discounted rates on training whereas I am not. Therefore, she will start one of their courses this coming week, on how to establish and run a small business here in Israel. We both think this is worthwhile, since the knowledge she gains will be useful whatever we end up doing.

At work we spent several stressful days trying to figure out a very obscure bug which suddenly showed up. My manager said that it was a new bug, and I said it was an old bug which only started showing up because of other changes we made. As it turns out, I was right -- and once we trapped the bug in its lair we were able to figure out a solution, which I implemented. So far, things seem to be working again, B"H!

Even though I'm not finished with my new site, I'll give you a "sneak preview". Please click here to see it, and take a look around. Note that the Spanish and Hebrew parts have not been done at all, and only some of the content has been written. If you would like to give me feedback on the site (suggestions or criticisms alike) please give it here so I can also exercise my contact form. Note: the site will work with IE 10 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

Esther proved her worth as a plumber this week. Those of you who know me, know that I hate plumbing; whenever I work on pipes, something else starts leaking. But Esther ... she's a champ! She fixed the leaking sink in our auxiliary bathroom, so now there's no odd puddles to moisten our guests' feet.

This week, Esther and I thought we would be on our own, but Sarah (as I'm typing this!) cancelled her class shabbat in Beit-Shemesh. We'll survive the ordeal with:
grilled steak, eggplant cutlets, grilled mushrooms and onions, oven fries, green beans, spicy lentil curry, rice, salatim, and cookies. And lots of wine.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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