
Blog/March 2012/Mar 23rd

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Mar 23th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Let's start with the good, shall we? As you know, we switched to the Rami Levy celphone company from Cellcom. We got our first bill this week: less than 90NIS (about $23) for all three lines together! Now, Sarah's was only about half a month ... so the bill should be higher in the future, but that's the lowest phone bill I think I've ever had, even in the USA! In other good news, we've found accommodations for the upcoming trip so we won't have to stay in a hotel, and will be within walking distance of the synagogues we'll need to attend on shabbat. And in even more good news, our future son-in-law was given a job-offer. בשעה טובה ומוצלחת!

This week I posed a question "to my liberal American friends and family", on Facebook. The question was: "Why is it that Herman Cain's presumed indiscretions are a fatal character flaw, preventing him (in your eyes) from higher office, while Bill Clinton's proven ones did not disbar him? I'm truly curious -- perhaps I'll author a paper 'Doublethink as the foundation of Leftist ideology in Western culture'". The only direct response I got was the typical Leftist "deflect and distract", among other things saying the Republicans are "the anti-woman, no-nothing, morally condescending party", which makes Cain "the greater hypocrite". After several rounds of this pointless non-sequitor argumentation, the trail grew cold. So I put it to you, my faithful readers who agree that Cain was irredeemably flawed: why him, and not Clinton? I mean, at least Cain has a proven track record of success, unlike the Community Organizer!

This week also saw a blood-curdling drama unfold in France, where a "radical Islamist" (there is no other kind, but you know that, right?) murdered seven people in cold blood -- four of them Jews. You know the details, but perhaps you don't know about the reaction of the authorities when they were told prior to these events that the man was a serious danger. This sort of "hear no evil, see no evil" will inevitably lead to the downfall of the West. If the Powers That Be don't wake up and start taking effective measures against the spread of the violent, racist, misogynistic, imperialistic ideology that is called "Islam", that is. Jews in the Exile, please come home! Here's a few words from the avowed secularist A.B. Yehoshua on aliya.

OK, a little closer to (my) home. The leader of the "Kadima" party, Tsippy Livni, said this week (among other humorous things) that Kadima can't exist without her. That's right folks: the hubris-filled nonentity she is, is the perfect leader for a do-nothing party with no reason to exist.

In other good news, I dusted off my suit -- I haven't worn it since before making aliyah -- and checked it out for moth-holes, and for fit. Behold, it fits perfectly and is in perfect condition (it was after all an expensive suit!). So I don't have to purchase any new clothes for the wedding, which makes me very happy; just need to dry-clean it. My ladies here are probably having dresses made for them -- surprisingly inexpensively, I think. So we're getting ourselves prepped and psyched-up.

This shabbat is rosh ḥodesh nisan, the first of the month of nisan; only two more weeks until pesaḥ! Are you ready? We've got no guests this week, it's going to be a simple shabbat (we hope): potato leek soup, tuna salad, eggplant, salatim, grilled pargiot, roasted vegetables, crock-pot chicken, tortilla de zapallitos, baked yams, and apple cake

Until next week,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh tov"!

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