
Blog/March 2014/Mar 7th

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Mar 7th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

I’m sure you’re getting tired of hearing that “we were very busy” this week, but it’s true! The difference being that this week we can give you more details. The weather has been ridiculously hot, with a sharav blowing in dusty air all week. It is scheduled to remain hot and dusty through shabbat, with spring (or winter?) returning during the coming week. We hardly saw Sarah all week, she was busy with school projects, and we were in all sorts of meetings.

Those meetings were, among other things: with a patent attorney, our business consultants and the bank. With respect to the first, we can now announce that Aaron High-Tech has a patent-pending on the technology in our 8th development environment. Having the patent gives us the freedom to talk more about 8th (sorry if it bores you!), and is an important element in making us more attractive to prospective investors.

With our business consultants we are continuing the discussions and planning towards what strategy we will use to market 8th. What are our goals, and who are our customers and how do we reach them? All good questions, but in the meantime I still have plenty of work to do to get 8th to the point it can be given to an “end user”.

So as I mentioned last week, we made the decision that I would quit doing work for my current client, thus freeing me up to devote my time 100% to AHT and to finishing our 8th product. In the meantime, however, I’m still working for that client because they need me to finish some things before they let me go. I’m hoping to be completely done with them the week after Purim (in two weeks). Then I can work a more normal schedule.

Clearly, if we have no paying clients our company will have no income (nor will we). So in order to make this feasible, we’ve juggled our finances so we have sufficient funds to last for “a while”. Should it turn out that we can’t make our product happen within the period we have funds for, we’ll have to go back to taking clients. In truth, I’m not really worried about that — I’m much more worried about how we’re going to handle a sudden onslaught of customers for our product!

In other news, the world witnessed the Russian incursion into Crimea this week. Putin spanked Obama, and revealed what we already knew long ago: that guarantees by the USA are worthless. All of Eastern Europe is rightfully worried since they rely on the US as an ally, and that reliance is proving useless, if not harmful. Among the nations of the world, only Israel still seems to give Obama any respect. The same Obama who is worse than Jimmy Carter.

In further news, the IDF intercepted a shipment of “medium range” missiles from Iran bound for Gaza. “Medium range” is 200 kilometers, which covers the vast majority of Israel. Good thing Iran is only interested in peace — I shudder to think what things would be like if they were belligerent!

More stuff:

I’m happy to say that my mom is out of the hospital and recovering from her nine days there. May she continue to have a complete recovery!

This week it’s just the three of us (again). We’re having a simple shabbat. The menu for this week is:
baked chicken, stuffed vegetables, baked yams, meatballs in tomato sauce, rice, salatim, and strawberries.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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