
Blog/March 2022/Mar 4th

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March 4th Comments or questions? Click here!

We were extremely busy again this week. Besides work (of which there was plenty), we worked on rearranging our guest rooms. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

Well, we disassembled (and gave away) one bed. Disassembled and moved another set of beds. Disassembled the bunk-beds I had made years ago, and moved them (yet to be reassembled, that room needs more work first).

The main impetus for this (besides our daughter’s threat to not stay with us if we didn’t clear up the clutter) was the simple fact I had almost nowhere to move in my office. With all that had gone on in the past year, my office became the storage space for whatever we didn’t want somewhere else. And I had had enough of it.

So now, Esther’s office-cum-sewing-room has most of the sewing stuff that was in my office. And mirabile dictu, my office now has room in which to move! That’s not to say it’s organized yet, that will be next week’s task.

Around the world:

  • How different people viewed Biden’s “State of the Union” address. “Vox” didn’t think he went far enough “woke”. “CNN”, normally a staunch Biden-booster, noted the sharp change in COVID messaging. “Dave Rubin” brought its worst, best, and strangest clips. The “Federalist” points out the many lies told during the speech. There’s something for everyone!
  • If you care to see some of the very worst responses to the Ukraine situation, indulge yourself. Isn’t social-media glorious?
  • The “Ghost of Kyiv” and other propaganda. The “fog of war” has never been more opaque. Solana also comments on the war.
  • One woman wishes she had frozen her eggs when she had had the opportunity.
  • Just because things are bad, doesn’t mean they can’t get worse: “multifactor authentication” is now being subverted.

I know, it’s a lot of war-talk, but it is after all the biggest and perhaps most consequential military action in Europe, since WWII.

For those of you who can’t get enough of my thoughts, this week’s devar torah.

Our weather was very nice this week, but it turned cold and rainy for shabbat. Winter in the ME still isn’t over yet…

The menu this shabbat includes:
homemade ḥalla, mushroom soup, schnitzel, baked potatoes, roasted veggies, various salatim, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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