
Blog/May 2023/May 25th

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May 25th Comments or questions? Click here!

This week’s blog is early because the shavuot holiday starts tonight, and perforce my computers will remain untouched…

The nasty ivy infestation I’ve been banging on about for a month is almost entirely vanquished! How it started, and how it’s going.

The planters seen in the second pic are hanging from bits I welded onto the frame. I’d never done any “arc-welding” before; my last welding job used oxy-acetylene over four decades ago. I can tell you this sort takes a lot of practice to get right! I’m still unsure whether the structure is as solid as it should be; fortunately, we’ve got periodic strong winds here which will let me know right quick.


Bonus time: this week’s parasha, read in the Yemenite style (highlighting each pasuq as it’s read). Do you find it difficult to follow?

It’s supposed to become quite hot over yom-ṭov and particularly on shabbat, though cooling to average temps beginning of the week.

We’ve got quite a bit to prepare, so I’ll just tantalize you with our shabbat and yom-ṭov menu:
home-made ḥalla, salmon, sweet potatoes, salad, cheesy pasta, zucchini pashtida, more salads, fesenjan chicken and saffron rice, gnocchi with mushroom ragu, salmon the second, various other salatim, tiramisu, 2X pareve sherbets1, and 2X dairy ice-creams2.

Any dietary reckoning has been postponed to Sunday, in accordance with The Rules™.

Until next time,
ḥag sameaḥ and shabbat shalom!

1 coffee and strawberry
2 dulce-de-leche/banana and chocolate

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