
Blog/November 2015/Nov 20th

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Nov 20th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

We ended last shabbat only to resume “normal life”. Normal life, where it’s just another week, another outrage by the Religion of Peace™. More on that later. As our week continued to unfold, we kept ourselves busy as usual. More on that, as well, later.

The day many of us have been waiting for has finally arrived, perhaps. The day when Jonathan Pollard is finally released from prison. For those of you who don’t know, he was a civilian US Navy intelligence analyst who gave Israel access to classified information. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offence under a plea-bargain offered by the US government, thirty years ago. The US reneged on the agreement, and instead of the three to five he was supposed to have received, he got life imprisonment. For the record, that is more — by far — than any similar person ever received.

Successive Israeli governments have attempted to get him released, to no avail. Now he is being released on parole (at least, he is supposed to be released, as of this writing — we won’t believe it until he’s actually outside). The terms of his parole stipulate, “He is not permitted to leave the United States for five years, to give interviews or to go online, amid other conditions…”. His wife lives in Israel, but he will not be permitted to join her. The man served far more than the usual “time”, and now he’s being punished even more. Bear this all in mind, next time you think of the US as a great moral force in the world. Feh!

Update: he was released, though it's not clear what the parole conditions are or whether the US will permit him to give up US citizenship and move to Israel.

More stuff:

This week’s events in France seem to have taken many by surprise, which surprises me. That country’s growing population of surly Muslims has long been a fertile ground for breeding terrorists and “random violence” — but in this particular case, the terrorists seem to have been imported for the purpose from Belgium (another Islamofriendly haven of tolerance). Compare and contrast the reactions of world leaders: one the one hand, we have Obama vowing to “redouble” the fight against ISIS. What fight against ISIS, exactly? And on the other hand, we have Russia and France forming an alliance to coordinate war against ISIS — with both countries sending sorties into Syria and bombarding ISIS positions. One the one hand, words; and on the other hand, actions. Which do you think will impress the savages more?

Esther and Sarah and I were all busy with our accustomed occupations; nothing too fascinating to relate there. I was working steadily on tracking down and fixing issues in 8th which I came across while building an application. I also published a new article on writing a responsive UI in 8th, which shows one technique for accomplishing that (what a “responsive UI” is, is explained in that article).

We’ve also been getting contacted by people who want to “do something” with us. That something ranges from doing contract work, to working out some kind of distribution deal. But all of these contacts are moving very slowly, and we’re interested in some short-term cash-flow. So if any of my loyal readers know of someone with a need for high-quality custom-written software, please point them to our “hire us” page, thanks!

This week it’s just the three of us. Our menu will presumably have at least:
mushroom soup, asado, chicken schnitzel, salatim, rice, some kind of dessert, and fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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