
Blog/November 2015/Nov 27th

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Nov 27th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

This being Thanksgiving week, we did our best to live up to our expatriate tradition and have a full roast-turkey dinner with all the trimmings. There was a crowd, which eventually left well-fed and satisfied. A good time was had by all. We understand that Putin also had Turkey for Thanksgiving.

I’ll refrain from political commentary this week. There’s not enough good going on in the wider world to offset the depressing reality of our various leaders’ pusillanimity.

Anyway, it was a busy week though I don’t feel like I accomplished a whole lot. Esther and Sarah worked and studied and did real things. I worked on fixing bugs and adding features to 8th. Besides that, I and a couple other people started a new discussion forum for technical issues.

We did that because of our mounting frustration with forums where the rules are arbitrary, and where incivility is the rule. We hope we can make a little money there by offering paid advertising, and at least fund the site that way. Even if we can’t, it’s not very expensive to run a site like that… just takes time to moderate. The site is in the “startup phase” — check it out, make comments and help us grow!

Among other things, Esther and I had lunch with some friends who were visiting the Holy Land. We went to Kadosh, which Sarah had said was a good place. Indeed, the food was very good, and the prices reasonable. We refrained from getting dessert — a true measure of our respective will powers! The downside of that place is that it is quite small, and because the food is good it is quite crowded — and they don’t take reservations. So you get to enjoy a meal with hopeful customers eyeballing you, waiting to pounce on your chair as you leave. It was an interesting lunch…

So on that note, I just ran across this interesting article which confirms what I already knew: that there’s no such thing as “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to an individual’s metabolism. Maybe I’ll try to sign up for their study.

Looking forward to a quiet week. Hoping this coming week will be much more productive than this past one!

This week we’ve got a full house. My nephew and his girlfriend will stay with us, and friends will join us for lunch. We’ll have:
homemade ḥallah, pareve hot Vichyssoise, roast turkey, candied yams, rice, meatballs, sundry salatim, and fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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