
Blog/November 2015/Nov 6th

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Nov 6th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

The week began with an all-encompassing dust-storm blown in from Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The pall of orange dust stayed several days, but by the end of the week we started having thunder and lightning, and then some good rains. The temperatures are seasonably cool, and the wet weather is supposed to continue for a few days.

Because of the mostly overcast weather, our solar hot-water system has not been providing us with hot enough water. This is the downside of winters in Israel: you get so used to really nice hot water for nine months of the year, that it’s disappointing when you need to turn on the electric heater (and pay to heat the water).

Sarah’s cold continued this week, and she’s been having a wonderful time of it. She’s especially fond of people telling her how under-the-weather she looks. So just keep it to yourself, OK? Now she’s at the “losing my voice” stage; but she’s on the mend.

Esther’s becoming even more dangerous! She started taking “krav maga” lessons, so I have to watch my step around her. Lucky for me, she’s always turned her aggression outwards, so I’m probably safe for now. She’s also been working hard, as usual.

News and views:

  • An “exposé” which suddenly discerned that the Netanayhu governments have built the least of any Israeli governments, in the areas of Judea and Samaria. I could have told them that.
  • A very interesting analysis asking what do Palestinians want? I recommend you read it, particularly if you have any illusions left about the concept of “peace partners”.
  • The Obumbler’s new rapprochement with Iran is on the skids. Much like the infamous “reset button” policy with Putin.

I’ve been straining to get our “name” out there, and this week we saw a pretty sharp increase in product downloads. So despite it being hard work for me and against my normal inclinations, I must continue on that tack until we get a critical mass of users. One such attempt has pitted me against the Wikipedia editors, who have some bizarre requirements.

I’ve also been working on adding more features to 8th, as well as working on a small application. The application is partly prompting the new features, and I hope to make the next major release of 8th this coming week or so. Lots of new, cool stuff! In the process, I upgraded our version of the JUCE library and discovered a bug in the Apple compiler. Fun.

And the doctor decided to put me on strong antacids for a period to see if that helps. So far, it does seem to be helping me. B”H!

Looking forward to a cool and quiet shabbat. How about you?

This week we’ve got RivQua joining us. So the four of us will enjoy:
chicken and rice, orange soup, veggie stir-fry, salatim, and spice cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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