
Blog/October 2015/Oct 30th

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Oct 30th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

We finally seem to have hit the fall weather cycle. Temperatures were cool and it was rainy off and on all week. The coastal regions experienced flooding from heavy rains, but here on the edge of the Judean Desert we just had pleasant rains.

My nephew Chaim celebrated his Hebrew birthday this week, and we treated him and his girlfriend to a meal at a restaurant we had never tried before, called “IgenMigen Bistro Halavi”. We decided to try it because a friend of ours is a chef there, and it sounded intriguing — which it was. The menu is unusual, being “Hungarian fusion” as well as dairy. The only Hungarian food we were familiar with was goulash, and of course there was none of that on the menu. Interesting place, good food; worth a visit. And Chaim had a great time.

Strange items of the week:

My US passport is set to expire soon, and I thought it prudent to renew it. So I looked up the options: 1) order it by mail or 2) go to the US Consulate in Jerusalem. Either option takes about the same amount of time, but option #1 involves getting a cashiers check for the renewal fee, which is an expensive pain. Therefore I’m opting for option #2. Among other things, you have to fill out a form in order to get the passport. When I got to the question, “Hair color” I was going to write “brown”, but then I realized… my hair hasn’t been brown for quite some time. So “gray” it is. <sigh>

Sarah’s under the weather, having picked up a cold (on the bus? at school? it doesn’t really matter at this point). So we hope she’ll recuperate over shabbat and be in fighting form next week. And I hope I don’t come down with it, but the chances of me avoiding contagion are very slim. Children, what are they good for?

And regarding medical items: I had that endoscopy I mentioned last week. I do declare: the drugs they give you should be made over-the-counter. Amazing! I was knocked out immediately, didn’t feel a thing and slept like a baby. Well, I didn’t wet my pants. But other than that, like a baby. The doctor found I have a “hiatal hernia”, “gastritis” and “esophageal reflux”. But it’s unclear to me if any of those could be the cause of the pain in my side, and in any event none of them is severe. So next week I get to see my regular doctor and get his input on “what’s next”. Isn’t this exciting?

I’ve been working like a fiend adding features to 8th and working on a small application. Trying to land clients, advertising our presence. It’s definitely a work-in-progress.

Esther’s finally seeing some payback for all the hours she’s invested in knitting socks. The weather’s turned cool enough to warrant wearing woolen socks, at least if you don’t mind hot feet. Soon it will become cold; our “fall” only lasts a couple of weeks. Already the house has cooled down noticeably and I expect to see the distaff members of the household in scarves and blankets and mufflers soon. I’ll be in my trusty grey-fleece-without-much-fleece hoodie, of course.

Despite Abraham our forefather’s example, we’ve got no guests this week. To console ourselves we’ll have:
vegetable soup, homemade ḥallah, pot roast, pastel de papa (but vegetarian, parve and without raisins…), salatim, and chocolate chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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