
Blog/November 2018/Nov 16th

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November 16th Comments or questions? Click here!

This week:

  • I started a new contract
  • We had battery problems
  • The rain came!
  • And so did rockets

A client who had contacted me some time ago finally got things rolling this week. I went to Tel Aviv for a “development meeting”, and came back with a task and a shiny newish Android phone to test with. So that project has taken a portion of my time this week, and I’m waiting for feedback on what I was able to accomplish so far.

In the meantime: my Loving and Much Better Half, as mentioned last week, gave her computer a soda-water bath. By the time shabbat was over, it had sufficiently dried out, and I was able to resuscitate it. But its battery is swollen, which means that it needs to be replaced (before it explodes or something). So there’s that…

… and then my laptop’s been having problems with the touchpad (it’s a MacBook Pro). When I was at my client’s place, one of the guys told me the problem was the battery swelling and pressing on the ‘pad. So I disassembled it this week, and the case popped off like a fat-woman’s corset! The battery is indeed very swollen. So we’ve ordered new batteries for both machines, and will B”H deal with them in the US next month when we’re visiting our amazing grandchildren (and our daughter and son-in-law, too, I suppose).

Given the lack of coverage in the media, you may be unaware that the Hamas, being followers of the Religion of Peace™, and desirous of a Peaceful International Solution to the Situation in Every Region (PISSER), made a generous contribution this week of close to 500 rockets. They saved on transportation costs by shooting them directly into Israel, and were dismayed they didn’t cause more damage than they did. Our stalwart leaders, vowing yet again to “really, for sure, do something this time, we mean it!”, did what they always do: bend over and smile. Alas! Where is King David when you need him?

Because of our leaders’ lackluster response, Avigdor Liberman, the Minister of Defense, resigned. That prompted Naftali Bennett to demand the job or he would topple the government; and King Bibi is having trouble holding the coalition together. So, probably, we’ll have early elections — just what we need.

B”H, we got a bunch of rain this week. My mom didn’t seem to ever notice it, but rain it did — and hard, one day. As I write this, the sky is heavily overcast and it looks like we’ll have a bit more rain, but the forecast calls for clearing and slight warming for the next several days.

Some guests this shabbat! We hope they brave the suddenly chilly weather, and enjoy:
soup, homemade ḥalla, pargiot, roasted potatoes, green beans, baked salmon, various salatim, and brownies (from our guests).

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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