
Blog/November 2018/Nov 23rd

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November 23rd Comments or questions? Click here!

Esther’s brothers came this week from Argentina, to stay with us for about a week. She doesn’t get to see them in the flesh very often, so it’s always exciting for her when they visit. So far, they’ve been going somewhere or doing something every day; I’m worn-out just listening to their travelogue.

Speaking of brothers, it’s been a year since my brother Keith passed away. There isn’t a day which goes by when I don’t think of him — he was truly numbered among the “hidden righteous” of this world.

Last Thanksgiving, Esther and I were with my brother in the hospice. The day before, Esther asked him what he would like, and he said that all he wanted was her pumpkin-pie. So Thanksgiving day we were there, with pie and as good a meal as we could arrange with our limited kosher resources, but Keith never regained consciousness. That night, he slipped away. It wasn’t the kind of Thanksgiving meal we had hoped for.

But this year, we’ve got Esther’s brothers with us, and Sarah’s joined the fray as well! We’ll do a “laid-back turkey” as a nod to Thanksgiving, utilizing it for our shabbat meal. Esther’s also doing some of her family-recipe favorites for “the boys”. We’re confident this year’s T-day meal will be more joyous than last year’s.

The weather was threatening rain all week, but only delivered intermittently. We had some strong rain yesterday, and it’s been overcast. Supposedly, it will clear up towards the beginning of the week.

My brothers-in-law are with us this shabbat, and so is Sarah! We’ll give them:
homemade ḥalla, laid-back turkey, kibbeh, candied yams, rice pilaf, mushroom “stuffing”, stuffed artichokes, various salatim, and apple-pie.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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