
Blog/November 2018/Nov 30th

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November 30th Comments or questions? Click here!

Esther and her brothers spent a couple days in Eilat, the southernmost city in Israel. Mom and I enjoyed a couple days of complete quiet. The siblings had a good time; the hotel was apparently very nice and the weather was balmy.

All good things come to an end: the brothers returned whence they came, and I came down with a cold. I don’t know if the two are related (not the brothers, they’re definitely related). So I’ve been battling it for a couple days and have been trying to make all around me as miserable as I am, with some success.

In Israel:

It’s old news by now, but remember the “coalition crisis” which came about when Liberman left the government, and Bennett threatened to leave the government if he didn’t get the Minister of Defense portfolio, and everyone said we’ll have early elections because the government will fall? That crisis, remember? Well King Bibi showed just how outclassed his opponents are when it comes to political wrangling. The “King” is alive and well, despite the dozens of attempts to indict him on various charges, despite his opponents biting at his heels. It’s like he’s a magician.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like him at all, and I’ve never voted for him. But I do admire his skill even as I wish he had more cojones. I also wish that Bennett had had the fortitude to not back down when Bibi wiped the floor with him. It makes me sad that we don’t have a credible “right wing” leader in Israel.

In anti-Semitism:

This week, a CNN commentator spoke for 20 minutes in front of the UN, during which time he encouraged violence against Israel, encouraged support of the BDS movement, and in what was his coupe de grâce called for a “free Palestine from the river to the sea”. In case you’re not aware, that last phrase is shouted at every Ḥamas and otherwise anti-Israel rally. It means: make a new Palestine on Israel’s territory, and (explicitly stated by Ḥamas) eliminate the Jews thereon. It’s not a subtle “dog-whistle”, but a battle-cry.

The commentator was subsequently fired by CNN (after that article was posted, and after a lot of outraged comments to them); but by looking at the Twitter comments you can see just how many supporters of his position there are, and who they are. Lots of sick and twisted people in this world of ours. I wouldn’t be surprised if CNN re-hired him.

If this were an isolated incident, one could discount it. But there’s been a surge in anti-Semitic acts and statements in the past couple years; not just in the US, but in Europe as well. The new US Congress has several new members who are avowedly anti-Semitic and/or anti-Israel (and they’re on the Left, not the Right). I’m afraid the trend will continue, and inevitably there will be a very Left-wing “progressive” government in the US once Trump is done. Airbnb is just the beginning; get prepared, people.


The weather is supposed to be cool and pleasant, without rain, for the coming week. Since we have to light Ḥanukka candles this week, I hope there also won’t be a lot of wind!

It’s just the three of us this shabbat. We’ll have:
homemade ḥalla, chicken soup (a.k.a. Jewish penicillin), laundered chicken, various salatim, smoked salmon, and spice cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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