
Blog/October 2021/Oct 15th

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October 15th Comments or questions? Click here!

Between Mom and me, we spent this week enjoying the ministrations of medical personnel. Nothing particularly interesting, nor particularly helpful.

I went to the dentist because of pain I’d been having. The dentist told me that I had an “urgent need for a cleaning”, because he could see the plaque on the X-ray (who knew that was a bad thing?). So instead of getting my broken filling fixed, I had a cleaning. (Note to self: get cleanings more often than once a decade, so the neighboring towns don’t hear your screams.)

Esther’s been in “overdrive”, working ridiculous hours in order to get the backlog of tax returns processed. I console myself that “tax season” is almost over. Despite her overwork, she did manage to meet up with Sarah, and had an enjoyable outing with her — returning home with bonus prizes from overseas.

One of the prizes was a replacement battery for my Macbook Pro. Every three years or so, the battery needs replaced. You know that, because the case becomes deformed and the touchpad stops working correctly. This happens because the (already extremely large) battery expands dangerously and pushes against everything. Anyway, it’s the second time I’ve replaced the battery (by myself; I refuse to pay Apple’s ludicrous repair prices). This time around I also vacuumed it out, and reapplied heat-sink compound. Now it’s running ever so much better. Thank you, Sarah!


I have been doing a “security review” of 8th, implementing more stringent anti-hacking checks and closing some loopholes. It’s a never-ending battle against the Forces of Evil!

For those of you in the Land who want to purchase אוצר בית-דין produce, we found a place which delivers (in the Jerusalem area), and which has excellent produce. We got our first delivery this week, and are very pleased so far.

We are really looking forward to having a quiet and somnolent shabbat, with warm weather which is supposed to turn autumnal by Sunday. That’s going to be nice.

Our menu this shabbat includes:
homemade ḥalla, chicken picatta, roasted yams, a few home-grown beans, various salatim, cookies, and honey cake

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Oct 8th Next: Oct 22nd