
Blog/October 2021/Oct 8th

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October 8th Comments or questions? Click here!

Hello, fellow plebs! Have you inquired yet as to whether or not you have permission to celebrate holidays with your families? I’m utterly shocked that people are willing to go along with the increasingly authoritarian diktats from our governing elites. Alas, a topic for another day…

Esther’s boss has “seen the light”, and decided she should work from home this week rather than brave the 1.5 hour commute (and lose three hours of work-time each day). Smart move.

I managed to contract a cold (not the WuFlu) for the first time in 1.5 years. So that’s fun; but it also hasn’t been as severe as previous bouts. I managed to do some work, though not too much.

Sarah and Yarin made it back to the Land, though their flight was canceled and their return delayed by a day. They made it out OK, though, in the end.

Of (lab) mice and men:

  • Several Pfizer scientists caught on camera saying “natural antibodies are probably better than the vaccine” (for COVID). Didn’t we know that already? But if you’re above 40 or have background illnesses, acquiring the natural immunity might be dangerous.
  • Malarkey, in trillions. The wacky idea of a “trillion-dollar coin” is being talked about again as a way to prevent financial Armageddon. Apparently such a coin would be made of platinum. At current market prices, a coin of platinum which was actually worth $1T (as opposed to the “commemorative” one) would be made from a cube of Pt measuring a bit over eleven-and-a-third meters on a side (about 37 ft). That’s a big-ass coin…
  • Amazon is working on a “smart-fridge” that tracks what’s inside, what you order, and can do the shopping for you from Whole Foods or Amazon Fresh. Am I the only one who thinks this is an incredibly horrible idea?
  • Facebook (and its various daughter companies, like Instagram) went down for six hours this week. Apparently someone deleted the DNS records which made them “findable” on the internet. Curious timing, considering the “bombshell” revelations of a “whistle-blower” Facebook insider a few days before. I’m thinking, sabotage.
  • Color me unsurprised: four studies (including two from WHO) provide powerful evidence of the “lab-leak” theory of COVID-19’s origins. Get rekt, China!
  • My favorite physicist answers the question, “How close are we to nuclear fusion power?”. Spoiler alert: not very.

You might be asking yourself, “how did he figure that $1T coin would be a cube 11+ meters on a side?”. Glad you asked!

The market price of Pt fluctuates, but I took a current value of $31,650 per kg. Platinum has a density of 21,477 kg/cubic meter. So with my handy-dandy “calc” script, I typed in:

calc 2 digits 1e12 31650 / 21477 / .3333333 ^

Which gave me “11.37” as an answer. Simple!

The weather is “fall-like” (for Israel), with overnight lows here around 20C and highs around 30C. Very pleasant in the mornings, though shabbat is supposed to coincide with a heat-wave.

shabbat’s menu this time should include:
homemade seeded-sourdough rolls, Asian chicken, veggie chili, rice, various salatim, and peaches ‘n cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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