
Blog/December 2022/Dec 16th

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Dec 16th Comments or questions? Click here!

Our last blog from the Land for a while. The Day of Traveling is upon us tomorrow night, so we’re trying to wrap things up here as best we can before then.

We can expect some thermal shock: the temperatures here have been averaging a max of 18 or 20C; at our destination, they’re going to be hovering around freezing. I’m not looking forward to that aspect of things. On the other hand, seeing our family (and the Grands, most especially!) will make up for that systemic shock. Replacing it, of course, with others…

Esther worked diligently on the knitwear for the Grands, and I believe they’ll be pleased. If not, too bad! We did also manage to test-pack our luggage, so we’ll only have a minor bit to do after shabbat is over. The flight leaves at 01:00 (so Sunday, technically), and shabbat lets out around 17:10 – so there’s loads of time. If it weren’t for the Grands, we could probably have made-do with one suitcase.

I finished the most recent requests from my main client, and he’s aware I’ll be menos-communicado, though still checking in, for the next period. To be honest, I’ve been in “vacation mode” half the week anyway.

The “World Cup” semifinals took place this week, and Argentina played Croatia. Esther screamed when one of the AR goals was made, and startled me out of a stupor; I nearly had a heart-attack!


I mentioned my cold last week; well, I’ve recovered from the sore-throat, sniffles, and cough — mostly. However, I haven’t had a sense of smell or taste for the past five-six days. I can say, truly, there’s nothing to recommend that set of symptoms. Nothing at all. Raw onions and farina taste the same to me. blech.

The weather here has been, as stated above, hovering around 20C for a high, which is very warm for December here in the Land. Next week, they’re forecasting a drop to seasonal norms and the beginning (perhaps) of rain. It’s been very dry this month, which is very bad for our wheat crops.

This shabbat we’re eating out for dinner; for the rest we’re going simple:
ḥalla, pastel de papas, various salatim, and ice cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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