
Blog/January 2025/Jan 24th

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Jan 24th Comments or questions? Click here!

I suppose I spoke too soon last week about “being on the mend” and all. I’ve been hacking and coughing, chills but no fever, and out of energy and feeling pretty out of it all week. Not sure if it’s just a cold, or COVID, or a touch of flu; in any event, the treatment is the same for any of it. Apparently it’s “just going around”; hopefully it’ll soon be over.

The biggest news of the week was the release of three female hostages from the foul grip of Hamas. My friend has a take as well on this which is worth reading. We’re expecting another four to be released on shabbat. As of this writing, we don’t know who is “on the list”.

The other big news of the week was, of course, the “changing of the guard” in Washington DC. I was very pleasantly surprised by the immediate turn-around in the official USA policies towards us in the ME. Though issuing EOs which can be rescinded by the next POTUS is not really the way things should go. Of course, that’s become the norm…

… Speaking of “norms”, how’d y’all like Biden preemptively pardoning a whole flock of characters including his entire family? That’s setting a precedent everyone will regret for generations.

Of note:

I managed to make an updated release of my “zemanim” application, released to both Apple and Android stores. Not to complain, but releasing to Apple is a right pain in the rear.

Sarah’s come down with a stiff fever, poor thing! We wish her a “רפואה שלמה” – a full recovery; not just her, but to ourselves and our friends, and our entire nation.

We had some rain this week, and cool weather (but a bit above average). shabbat should be chilly but mostly dry. We were supposed to have guests for shabbat, but informed them of my afflictions and they decided to demur. Probably a good choice.

We’re probably staying in this shabbat; on the menu:
homemade ḥallah, chicken soup, chicken, some salatim, and chocolate-chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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